Before you know it, fall will be here. That means cooler weather, pumpkin spice everything and the glorious fall color on our trees. But those leaves eventually fall – and clogged gutters can be a nightmare for homeowners, especially if debris overflows onto your roof and causes costly damage. Below are a few tips and tricks to keep your gutters clog-free throughout the year.
Making sure your gutters are leak-proof
The first thing to check is that your gutters are up for the job. If you find rotting wood behind the gutters, that’s a good indication you need a gutter update. Window World TX offers seamless gutters, which are made to reduce the possible areas of leakage.
These gutters are typically made from aluminum and only have seams at the corners. Each individual gutter is measured and fitted for your unique home, allowing the gutter to fit securely.
Clearing debris from your roof and gutters
Some people assume leaves and other debris gets washed down with the water. However, twigs get caught in the gutter, which leaves get stuck on, creating the beginnings of a backup. During early spring and late fall, homeowners should clear their roofs and gutters of debris. This process will require a ladder, bucket, garden hose and a hand-held broom.
First, clear the roof by sweeping off all debris. Then, using the ladder, scale down each side of the roof, sweeping leaves and debris out of the gutter. If the debris in the gutter is wet, scoop it out into the bucket using a hand-held garden tool. Once all debris is cleared, use the garden hose to rinse the gutters after you’re finished to ensure all downspouts are draining properly.
Contact a professional
If you notice your gutters aren’t doing their job, it’s time to get a free estimate for gutter replacement. Window World TX offers seamless gutters that will not only work better than your old gutters but also improve the look of your home! Contact Window World TX today to get started.